Upholstery Day

So today I began by reconstructing the cabinet with the screws which was followed by some usage if the electric sander to flatten some edges. I also put some holes into the baffle boards with the screws so I could keep the baffle in the cabinet-it makes it a lot more rigid.

More importantly however, today was the day where I’d start upholstering the box. Just a quick note-there’s a bunch of videos on youtube telling you how to upholster boxes but I’ve found this one’s best (even if you’re not using tolex).

I would recommend buying this material called tolex because it’s black on both sides and the edges which means when you join the corners it will look better. The material I got a couple of weeks back (before I knew about tolex) is white on the backside which makes this slightly more difficult. I measured and cut the lengths of the material I’m using-a leatherette PVC-which was just long enough to allow me to do the covering of the cabinet in one go. I then measured the rear panels giving about 2 inches around the width of the board to wrap over (black side on the back). I gave 3 inches overlap on the front side for the cabinet and 2 for the back so 5 inches in total-you can cut any excess after.

I did a practise run first to test some types of covering the corners with some spare MDF and material. I trialled using PVA glue for the main base of the board and an extremely sticky adhesive for the sides and overlap. Out of the corners I attempted I found that the original method was best (the one suggested in the video). The corners will be covered by corner coverers anyway so you wont see them.

I only had time for the bottom rear panel today. I’m not doing the top one yet because the recessed connection plate still needs to be bought and delivered so I’m currently unaware if its dimensions. I’ll post the list of thing I’m looking at getting soon.

There are some pictures of how the rear panel went coming up and overall I’m pretty happy with the result.

I’ll probably do the cabinet covering tomorrow-I’ve got a little time while waiting for items to be delivered.